Let's all join
Jill over at
XBOX Wife and list TEN things we are "Thankful" for today!!!
I just feel that in the tough times we face in this world, (and I'm sure you all know what I mean...you can't even turn on the news without seeing and hearing all of the negative information!) we need to
ALL make an effort to support one another and share some positive, happy, inspirational, and uplifting messages.
She will even link your post so that other blogging gals will be able to check out your "Thankful" thoughts for the day. What a great idea!
So, here are my ten things I am "Thankful" for today!
1. The fact that I have the most wonderful son in the world!
2. The new blogging friends that I have made since I started my blog.
3. It was a peaceful day and I enjoyed time with my family.
God...(Need I say more?)
5. The part for my central air was ordered today and although is still really expensive...it is cheaper than we originally expected to pay!
6. I gave myself a pedicure...very soothing and now my feet are close to Summer beautiful! (Who wants to see yucky feet in sandals right? LOL)
7. My husband did some long overdue work....and that doesn't happen everyday!
8. That in this time of economic hardship and even though my husband is on layoff...Im thankful for my home and my car. (Some folks have lost one or both!)
9. That my son is doing really well in Kindergarten, he LOVES school and is just showing great progress.
10. And last but not least...Im VERY thankful for having the sweetest and most caring Mother. She never hesitates to show me how important it is to appreciate what you have, LOVE one another, forgive, and take time to laugh! :)
Here are the two people I am most "Thankful" for today! My Mom and my son!