Its so funny how things work for me these days. I can have just a horrible day but somehow, someway, I will get on the computer and read some of my favorite blogs and they all just have a way of cheering me up!
You all have a way of cheering me up! Yes you do!
And I thank you for that. And I thank you for stopping by my blog to read my posts. Whether they be about some fabulous finds, a recipe, pics of my son, or just blogger buddies are surely going to give me some comment love...Yay, cause I just LOVE the comments! (Who doesn't right?)
Well, WHEN IT RAINS IT true! I have some ladies to thank for some beautiful awards. These are no ordinary bloggers either, they are amazing, fun, creative and kind....and really are the reason I started a blog myself.
So thank you to these fine fine ladies for giving me these thoughtful and sweet awards! I appreciate it more than you will ever now!!!

First up is this wonderful award, Spread the Love, from two of my FAVORITE blogging friends,
Mimi at
Frump's Findings, and
Bunny at
The Paris House. Have you been to their blogs lately?
Mimi has the two most adorable children on the planet. She home schools and is just the cutest gal in the world, but most important, she is thoughtful and kind and really just a happy and uplifting person. If you want to smile...her blog is the place to be! Thank you Mimi.
Bunny has the most incredible and amazing home. She has beautiful gardens, fantastic taste in decorating, posts some of the most delicious recipes I have ever seen and besides all that...she is funny, adorable, and her home should be in "Better Homes and Gardens" EVERY week!!! I'm not joking gals...this lady is incredible, and she is one of the most thoughtful people I know. She has children as well and her little one is the cutest little guy...and you can tell by the pictures that he is so glad to have her as his Mommy!!!
It was by chance that I stumbled upon their blogs, and I have come to realize how lucky I am that I did. Thank you ladies.

Next up is this award, I *Heart* This Blog, from
Tami at
Diary of a Mad Woman. Tami is fun-loving and a free spirit. She has the most amazing sense of humor and sometimes I am laughing so hard at her posts that I have to take a minute before I comment. But most of all, she is inspiring! She has been thru some tough times with her health but I cannot think of anyone else that has more of a positive attitude about life and living and thanking God for all the good in her life. I'm a better person for knowing this fabulous lady...Thanks Tami.
First, I want to pass these awards back to these lovely ladies, of course. So take the one you don't have and display it proudly on your beautiful blogs.
I'd also like to give them to Carma at
Carma Sez, Alicia at
More Than Words, Dawn at
Bee and Rose, Koralee at
Blue Bird Notes, and Jen at
Tutu's Bliss.
Thank you for inspiring me and making me laugh, you all are just great! :)
(If I didn't mention you above, it's probably because it is oh, about 1am now and I desperately NEED some sleep. SO please take them and display em on your blogs as well...all of you deserve an Award today!)
Have a great day....